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LPDP Application Form

A. General Explanations

Within the scope of Article 11 of the Law on Personal Data Protection No. 6698 ("LPDP"), everyone has the right to apply to TÜMOSAN Motor ve Traktör Sanayi A.Ş., as the data controller, on the following issues:

a) Learning whether personal data is processed or not;
b) Requesting information if personal data has been processed;
c) Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose;
d) Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad;
e) Requesting correction of personal data if it is incompletely or incorrectly processed;
f) In accordance with Article 7 of the LPDP, requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data ex officio or upon the request of the relevant person, within the framework of the stipulated conditions, in case the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, even though the personal data has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP and other relevant laws;
g) Requesting that the transactions carried out in accordance with the paragraphs (e) and (f) be notified to third parties to whom personal data is transferred;
h) Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems;
i) Requesting compensation for damage in case of damage due to illegal processing of personal data.

B. Processing of Personal Data Regarding the Application

With the Application Form to the Data Controller, limited and related personal data (Name, Surname, TR Identity Number, Passport Number, Telephone Number, E-Mail, Address, Signature) is processed for the purpose of identifying the applicant and managing the application. If necessary, the personal data in question can be shared with the relevant units, Albayrak Holding, Albayrak Holding Group Companies, and authorized institutions/organizations, depending on the nature of the application request.

C. Table Showing the Application Method, the Address to be Applied to, and the Information to Be Specified in the Application

Application Method Address for Making an Application Application Subject Title
Application by hand (If the applicant applies in person, the document proving his identity must be available, and if the applicant applies by proxy, a notarized power of attorney must be available.) Maltepe Mah. Londra Asfaltı Cad. No: 28/1 Topkapı 34010 Zeytinburnu / Istanbul “Information Request Within the Scope of the Personal Data Protection Law” will be written on the envelope.
Notification via notary Maltepe Mah. Londra Asfaltı Cad. No: 28/1 Topkapı 34010 Zeytinburnu / Istanbul "Information Request Within the Scope of the Personal Data Protection Law" will be written on the notification envelope.
E-mail via E-signature/Mobile Signature kvkk@tumosan.com.tr "Information Request Under the Law on Personal Data Protection" will be written in the subject part of the e-mail.
Application via Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) address tumosan@hs01.kep.tr "Information Request Under the Law on Personal Data Protection" will be written in the subject part of the e-mail.
E-mail address registered in our systems (Your email address must have previously matched your identity in our systems.) kvkk@tumosan.com.tr "Information Request Under the Law on Personal Data Protection" will be written in the subject part of the e-mail.

D. Applicant Contact Details

TR ID Number: (Passport number)  
Phone number:  
E-mail: (We will be able to respond to you faster if you specify.)  

E. Please indicate your relationship with our company

☐ Customer

☐ Employee

☐ Former Employee (Years Worked: ……………. - …………….. )

☐  Other

☐ Employee

☐ Employee Candidate

Date of Application :

☐ Third-Party Company Employee

Please provide information about the company and position you work for.

Person/Unit you are in contact with within our company:


F. Please Specify Your Request Within the Scope of LPDP

Request No. Request Subject Legal Basis Your Choice (Please Tick the Relevant Section)
1 I want to know whether your company processes personal data about me. LPDP Article 11/1-a  
2 If your company processes personal data about me, I request information about such data processing activities. LPDP Article 11/1-b  
3 If your company processes personal data about me, I would like to know the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with the purpose of processing. LPDP Article 11/1-c  
4 If my personal data is transferred to third parties at home or abroad, I want to know about such third parties. LPDP Article 11/1-ç  
5 I think my personal data has been processed incompletely or incorrectly and I want it to be corrected. LPDP Article 11/1-d  
6 Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the law and other relevant legal provisions, I think that the reasons requiring processing have disappeared and within this framework, I want my personal data to be a) Deleted b) Destroyed. (Please specify among the options) LPDP Article 11/1-e  
7 I would like my personal data (Request No. 5), which I think has been processed incompletely and incorrectly, to be corrected by the third parties to whom it has been transferred. LPDP Article 11/1-f  
8 Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the law and other relevant legal provisions, I think that the reasons requiring processing have disappeared (Request No. 6) and within this framework, I want my personal data, before third parties to which it has been transferred, to be a) Deleted b) Destroyed. (Please specify among the options) LPDP Article 11/1-f  
9 I think that my personal data processed by your company is analyzed exclusively through automatic systems and that there is a result is against me as a result of this analysis. I object to this result. LPDP Article 11/1-g  
10 I suffered damage due to the unlawful processing of my personal data. I demand compensation for this damage. LPDP Article 11/1-ğ  

G. Please provide an explanation about your request.



H. How would you like to be notified of our response to your application?

☐ I want it to be sent to my address.
☐ I want it to be sent to my e-mail address.
 (We will be able to respond to you faster if you choose the e-mail method.)
☐ I want to receive it by hand.
(Vekaleten teslim alınmasının istenmesi durumunda noter tasdikli vekaletname veya yetki
belgesi olması gerekmektedir.)

İ. Applicant's Declaration

In line with the requests I have stated above, I would like my application to your Company to be evaluated in accordance with Article 13 of the Law and that informed to be provided to me.

I declare and undertake that the documents and information I have provided to you in this application are accurate, up-to-date and belong to me.


Name and surname:


Date of Application :


To download the application form click here.